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Article number: Article number: kb-7
Q. If my server crashes, will I need a new certificate?

A. When you receive your SSL Certificate, you should burn a copy on CD-ROM or keep a backup copy in a safe location. If you do lose your certificate, you can contact customer service to resolve the issue to get a new certificate. (fees may apply)
This page has been viewed 6445 times

Other questions in this category Other questions in this category
1. What is a RapidSSL Certificate? (viewed 6801 times)
2. What is SSL? (viewed 6659 times)
3. Can I secure multiple subdomains with a single Certificate? (viewed 6570 times)
4. Why would I need an SSL? (viewed 6549 times)
5. What is a digital certificate? (viewed 6456 times)
6. Why was my order rejected? (viewed 6101 times)
7. How do certificates and SSL work? (viewed 5718 times)
8. What if I do not have my Dun and Bradstreet number? (viewed 5668 times)
9. What is a Full Validation SSL Certificate? (viewed 4070 times)
10. What is a Quick Validation SSL Certificate? (viewed 4042 times)

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